
Thursday, January 12, 2012

today's rant: people are still stupid, originally 12/15/10

let me share some examples of just how stupid i think people are.

on facebook, when i was trying to login, they redirected me to something to supposedly enhance my security on the site.  one of the things is a private question.  i get to choose the question they ask.  however, one of the options is "what are the last 5 characters on your driver's license?"  are you fucking kidding me?  it's like a cornucopia for hackers.  they might as well ask me "what are the final 8 numbers on your social security card?"  this coming from time magazine's "person of the year."  fuck you, zuckerberg!  go suck a cock.

on long island's highways, they've got those electronic signs that let people know what the upcoming traffic is like.  well, lately, there have been 6 reported instances of people driving drunk on the wrong side of the highway, 2 of which have resulted in fatal car crashes. (by the way, the 4th law of physics is that for every fatality in a drunk driving car crash, the person dead is NEVER the drunk driver.  so if you don't want to die in a car accident, BE DRUNK!) in response, the traffic signs, when there is no traffic, lately have said "don't drink & drive, it's the law".  i think it would make more sense if they had that message facing AWAY from traffic.  the drunk assholes driving on the wrong side of the highway can't see that sign, so might was well have the sign facing the opposite direction.

1010 wins radio covered the thanksgiving day parade.  a radio channel talked about the balloons of a parade.  REEEEEEEEEEEEEEtaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard.

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