
Thursday, January 5, 2012

today’s rant: nothing specific, originally 7/19/08

hot as balls today.  waiting any day now for the reports of mentally-lapsed senior citizens who didn't bother to turn a fan on in their shithole NY apartment and boiled to death.

according to my retirement fund, my nestegg has made 33 cents since i started it 4 months ago.  economic progess at its best.  i've found more money laying on the street, with all kinds of germs, gum, and god knows what bodily fluids on the coins.  i guess it's one of those things that you have to wait for a really long fucking time in order to see any real progress.  it's like watching a tree grow from seedling... which sounds pretty stupid when you think of it.

still want a new job, but who the fuck wants a guy with a physics bachelor's?  what the fuck can i do but bitch and moan about how quantum physics is the biggest load of bullshit ever concocted?  and i got an A- in it!  explain how i can get a good grade in something that people just made the fuck up.  if i was a philosophy major, which is the biggest collective lie of them all, i probably would've killed myself long ago.  then the philosophy department would've spend a semester pondering the depths and implications of what i did... then i'd rise from the dead, eat their fingers off, then yell at them for not thinking of anything better to do with their lives.  (wow, i really went off on that one)

i'm trying to figure out why my brother must play his drums in the house at 9:30 at night.  fuck you james.  doug, hurry up and get some money so we can get a place together, 'cause i want to get the fuck out of here.

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