
Thursday, January 12, 2012

today's rant: license to talk, originally 11/5/11

i know that the first amendment of the US bill of rights provides that congress shall make no law prohibiting the freedom of a person to speak their mind. OK. how about we just have people take a test? if you pass, you can say whatever you want and you get a license to talk. **LET ME CLARIFY** before someone sicks the ACLU on my ass. the test should be about a person's mental ability to say the appropriate thing at the appropriate time. for example, the word "fuck". saying "fuck" in anger, passion, in a comedic setting or the like is perfectly acceptable. saying "fuck" to a room of kindergarteners is a no go. that person should have their license to talk suspended. however, documented ongoing evidence of talking shit out of your mouth should lead to a lifetime ban altogether. i'm talking about the kind of ravings that should be kept to the confines of a person's head or written or typed in a place where people will hardly ever read them (i.e., everything i've blogged in the past 5 years)

in my head, the following people should have their license to talk revoked FOR LIFE, and thus i refuse to take anything they say with any credibility:
nancy grace.
paul from my job 4 years ago. you were not my supervisor. it was not my job to make you coffee. i was a laser engineer. it was not YOUR job to talk continuously to the girl in the front office.
bill o'reilly
glenn beck (...has nazi tourettes)
the blond girl from fox and friends
the head of the westboro baptist church
mahmood ahmadine-rime-ramalama-dingdong-whateverthefuckhisnameis
sarah palin
rosie o'donnell
joy behar
elisabeth hasselback
whoopi goldberg
sherri shepard
rick santorum

the following people should have their license to talk temporarily suspended:
al sharpton. you can protest against white cops shooting black men all you want. you SHOULD. what you should NOT do is block the 59th street bridge preventing people who had nothing to do with said shootings from getting to work.
hilary clinton.
hank williams jr.
nancy pelosi
peter king

if the above list makes it seem to you that i'm being unreasonably harsh towards fox and my fellow republicans, hey, it's not my fault they yell stupid things in public forums on a routine basis just begging for mass criticism.

speaking of mass criticism, i refuse to post comments on web pages containing news articles of any kind. money back guarantee, there is a left-wing vs. right-wing debate going on regardless of any (or lack of) political content of the news article. i see it as the lowest tier of voicing opinion. the only exception is when someone makes some obscure funny comment referring to the comment maker's favorite cartoon show. those are gold. if you choose to make comments on web pages, don't do it on news articles. so many people post on those things that your comment gets lost in no time. it's almost pointless. save your comments for some stupid SOB on some website hardly anyone goes to anymore and really let them have it.

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