
Saturday, October 26, 2019

today's rant: impeachment

My mom got my daughter a diary to write in.  Some of the pages are pre-printed to start my daughter out.  One of such pages includes a place to write down someone’s name and write 3 words to describe them.  For me, my daughter wrote “nice, housework”.  She counted “housework” as two words because it’s a compound word.  7-year-olds, am I right?  So, I have been regulated to “domestic servant” status in my daughter’s eyes.  It gets worse.  The 3 words she wrote describing my wife were “addicted to phone”.  I am not making that shit up.  Thanks for the diary, mom.

I’m surprised that Trump has not blamed Hurricane Dorian on the fake news liberal media.

I secretly wished that Hurricane Dorian would destroy Mar a Lago.

Isn’t it great that when a person who works a traditional day job needs something done, everyone or every place who can do it is only open during those normal business hours?  I haven’t been to a dentist in a couple of years, and it has nothing to do with a fear of inflicted tooth pain.  It is because dentists are closed by the time I get out of work.

I find it surreal that there are ceremonies to remember September 11, 2001 held in South Carolina.  Dude, it was a plane in PA, the Pentagon, and the Twin Towers.  I don’t see first responders in SC protesting lack of healthcare because they got mesothelioma from something that happened 18 years ago 700 miles away.  That’s because they weren’t anywhere near it.  I’m pretty sure most of this remembrance bullshit only comes from people with a media outlet.  There simply cannot be enough people that were directly impacted from that day to warrant seeing it blasted on TV and the internet.  I can understand my FB connections who are from NY doing it, but not a SC municipality or TV station.  I don’t see people around my job doing that shit because they’re a lot smarter.

If you get a medical device implanted inside you, and it is later removed because it fell out, hurt too much, or broke, shouldn’t you get your money back?  If you go for therapy, but the therapy doesn’t work, shouldn’t you get your money back?  I may be wrong, but I think the healthcare industry is the ONLY industry in which you pay for something and then do not get a refund if that something didn’t work.  I pissed off my wife when she had an IUD removed because “it moved” and I asked if we were getting our $750 back.  This was years ago, and I still don’t know why she was the one pissed off about me saying that.

Today, I caught someone on FB messenger pretending to be someone they are not.  This is one of those few times where it is PERFECTLY acceptable to stereotype a group of people based on their English language usage and comprehension.  “I just wanna share a good news with you which help me recover and financially okay now”.  “News” isn’t singular, and he was always financially ok.  The person they were pretending to be is a former coworker of mine, and in my experience, he is an asshole.  I know this because I am an asshole.  There was no way he could be in the position he was in and write that sentence with his grammar and his facts wrong.  Therefore, when receiving messages about being “extremely happy for [his] life has experienced with a graceful turn around” and his wishing “God continue to shower his blessing upon [me]”, I knew something was off.  I asked him, at first, politely to tell me where we knew each other.  He said he saw me on his friends list.  I said that wasn’t specific enough.  I asked him a 2nd time with an air of finality, and a threat to block him, where he met me.  He said on Facebook.  I exclaimed “WRONG!!”, reported him, and blocked him.

I’d like to write about a topic I’ve briefly touched upon before:  impeachment.  As I am typing this paragraph, the US House of Representatives opened an impeachment investigation.  To be honest, I had to remind myself of the whole impeachment process, so I knew not to get my hopes up prematurely.  In short, there are 3 steps.  Step 1 is the investigation done by a congressional committee.  Step 2 is that the House of Representatives votes based on the investigation whether to impeach.  A simple majority is required for that.  Step 3 is the impeachment trial done by the Senate, and (here’s the difficult part) a 2/3 supermajority “guilty” verdict is required to convict.  We in the US are currently veeeeerrrrry early in step 1.

I have previously stated that I would prefer the screaming toupee be voted out of office than impeached, with the reason being that Pence would take over the job as the result of conviction.  Since the US House of Representatives has a majority of its members aligned with the opposite political party as the President, there is actually a legitimate possibility that steps 1 and 2 could be done.  What is going to be difficult is getting 2/3 of Senators to vote guilty in the impeachment trial.  Maybe you’ll get half.  To get 2/3, it would be required for about 40% of Republican Senators to vote against their politically aligned Commander in Chief.  I’m not sure there is a reasonable person that can honestly argue that is possible right now.  All of those Senators’ noses are so brown from kissing and rimming Dumbo Trump’s asshole because of his money and his influence over the retards that elected them that they won’t risk their political power.  It may need something really bad to happen to sway that many Senators, something way beyond political corruption.  Maybe Donald has to set his 3rd mother-in-law on fire.  Maybe the FBI will find his semen and orange pubic hair on a dry, crusty American flag.  Maybe he’ll pull a Geraldo Rivera and leak some troop positions to enemy combatants.  Until such a time that many Republican Senators can be swayed, the best thing to do is shame them forevermore when they vote “not guilty”.  To me, the most likely positive consequence of completing an impeachment trial is to get everyone on the record for if they condone obstruction of justice and soliciting a foreign power to interfere with potential political rivals.  I don’t think the Senate would convict, but getting everyone on the record is the best we can hope for, and really all we can hope for.  If by some miracle Trump is impeached and convicted right before Election Day 2020, maybe it will be hard for Pence to be elected to take his place.  Honestly, I don’t know.  People are so fucked up and stupid I can believe anything at this point.  It makes Santa Claus/Easter Bunny 2020 look like a probability.  Democrats, don’t fuck this up.  Remember John Kerry?  No?  Exactly my point!

I’m really happy that Twitter posts are not legal doctrine.  I don’t have a Twitter account, but some buttfuckers in the news and on the internet think it is important to relay what elected officials, and “elected” officials (fucking electoral college…), have to say in their limited text box with all of their pound signs. Yes, assholes.  I’m calling them pound signs.  That’s what it is when I need to make a payment to a doctor’s office over the phone, call customer service overseas because my sprinkler is spraying water out everywhere except the nozzle, or bitch and moan at the post office when the package I’m tracking is going in the opposite direction.  It’s not called “hashtag”; it’s a pound sign.  Anyway, back to my original gripe, it seems inherently retarded when people who have been elected to legally represent us in government and make decisions on our behalf use a communications medium that has a limit on how many characters can be typed in at once.  That sounds like some 1984 bullshit trying to dumb down the country by dumbing down the language.  I’m not falling for it.  However, to be honest, I am all for limiting the terms of elected officials, both their time spent in office and the monumentally stupid words that come out of their heads.  I just would have preferred a shock collar or a mute button hooked up to their vocal chords over a text field with limited space.  Thomas Jefferson should rise from the dead and slap his decomposing penis across the face of every single federal government official who has a Twitter account, then stab Trump in the ear with the same quill he used to finish the Declaration of Independence.  That’s how you make a fucking doctrine.

I feel bad for conservative women.  I feel that way because I know that women are objectively smarter than men, so I think these cunts must have had something truly sadomasochistic happen to them by some stupid mongoloid of a conservative male influence to fuck up things for them for the rest of their lives.  Only that would let them willingly give up their rights over their bodies and submit to cultural gender expectations.

Twice in the past year, I have sat with my wife having drinks at a lesbian bar with a girl-girl couple, different couple each time, and one of them at each time had been drunk enough to say to me, louder than normal due to the alcohol, “YOU ARE SUCH A GOOD GUY!”  I sit there thinking, “Where were you as my wingman when I was single?!”  On the bright side, it is good to know that I am still acceptable by lesbian standards.

I definitely do not “work hard, play hard”.  I “work hard, pass out”.

On the day I am writing this paragraph, President Donald Trump is in the beginnings of an impeachment inquiry by the US House of Representatives, which he recently referred to as a lynching, and is visiting Benedict College in Columbia, SC.  I work very close to the airport into which he is being flown.  The local news outlets did not fail to notice that he planned on speaking to a historically black college days after his “lynching” comment.  I’m sure the friendly locals and those who attend the college will remind him what the definition of a lynching is.  Some people hoping to be Democratic candidate are speaking tomorrow.  At each event, tickets are $45 and there is a question/answer phase.  So someone has to pay money to either gripe at or praise the person talking during a Q&A about criminal justice reform.  Being in the south, I am not surprised that the news reported Drumpf’s session is sold out.

I find it stupid that the US Senate can vote to make a resolution to condemn the impeachment inquiry underway by the other house of Congress.  Doesn’t that mean that they can just resolute the fuck out of each other, since resolutions and condemnations have no actual consequence other than being on legal record?  That is akin to my wife and I kids calling each other poopy-butt and toilet-baby back and forth all day long.

Recently, I’ve been cutting off alcohol consumption at home and in public.  This posed a culinary challenge to be because I consider my self a beer snob and like to try different varieties from different sources.  However, I think I can find a way to compensate for that:  coffee.  I’m thinking about eventually becoming a coffee snob.  I am, unfortunately, unwilling to install a quality espresso machine in my house since that will run me a few hundred dollars.  I can still try new coffees, whole bean or ground, carafe or Keurig.  On a positive side, I cannot get in trouble for doing this recreationally at work.