
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

today's rant: ABORTION! and flat earthers

Abortions for all!!
Very well.  No abortions for anyone!!
Hmm... Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!!

My wife considered Barack Obama to be the emperor of abortions.  I made fun of her a lot about that.

Now, you may be asking yourself, "Self, what does this asshole behind a keyboard and a 10 year old Acer computer screen have to say about abortions?"  So let's get the political conversation out of the way.  Ready?  I'm not a woman, so it's not my fucking issue.  Conversation over.  You want an abortion, go get one.  You don't?  Then man-up and raise the little fucker.

I do not like to deal much in conspiracy theories.  Unfortunately, with the internet, bullshit and propaganda mixed with trolls and Adobe Photoshop make it hard to discern what is real.  That leads to people seeing a very blurry line between scientific evidence and a mental health problem.  Flat-earthers, I AM TALKING TO YOU!  You are mentally ill, and I will prove it:  gravity.  F = (GMm)/(r^2).  The force of gravity (F) has been proven to be the universal gravitational constant (G) times the mass of the object 1 (M) times the mass of object 2 (m) divided by the distance between the centers of each object (r) squared.  Earth must not be flat, otherwise the force of gravity further away from the center of your precious flat disc would be exponentially weaker as the distance away from the center of Earth's mass increased.  Also, gravity at the magnetic poles is stronger, because of the oblate spheroid shape of the planet.  Now, let me stop you right there before you say "There is no South Pole and there is no gravity.  What you think is gravity is the ethereal wind pushing the underside of the planet up at a constant acceleration of 9.8 meters per second squared."  To which I say "You are fucking retarded" because I can disprove that too.  At a constant acceleration of 9.8 meters per second squared, an object will have traveled 4.58 billion kilometers and take just short of one year before hitting the speed of light.  IT WOULD TAKE INFINITE ENERGY FOR ANY MASS TO TRAVEL AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT, WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE, AND IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ANY MASS TO TRAVEL FASTER THAN LIGHT.  Do you know anything that is at least one year old?  Good.  Therefore, there is no ethereal wind pushing an earth-disc.

When I heard that people still believe they are living in the 1400s with this bullshit, I surprisingly got REALLY angry.  Instead of testing a hypothesis and analyzing evidence to form a conclusion, people already form a conclusion, then mis-interpret or manipulate evidence to make their conclusion sound valid.  That is not science.  That is religion, paranoia, and mental illness, all of which are not mutually exclusive.  Someone create a Venn-diagram of all 3 overlapping.  I'd love to see that.

On the flip side of the coin, here are some things that I think probably exist, though I haven't seen direct evidence.  Don't worry, I'll follow up with a list of things I do not think can possibly be true.

Probably exist:
Alien life on other planets
Secret societies benefiting the elite
The G-spot

Probably not:
Time travel
Alien life on Earth
Secret societies benefiting the socially marginalized

Definitely not:
Lochness monster
A person who has read the user agreement to any piece of software they use.