
Monday, January 16, 2012

today's rant: i'm older

now that i'm 28, i don't feel any different than a year ago.  maybe that'll change when the kid arrives.

rosie o'donnell has gotten exponentially stupider with each TV show she has been on.

i've come to the realization that when it comes to cinema, i am very low brow.  i've downloaded and seen some "critically acclaimed" movies that get all the praise from the likes of roger ebert (jesus christ, he looks like a disney world robot with that new chin of his).  to be honest, i'm not that impressed.  i've seen "no country for old men".  it was boring.  i've watched "little miss sunshine".  it wasn't funny.  i don't like it when movie award shows tell me what movies to like.  i much prefer to have my movie experiences be organic.  boy meets movie, boy likes movie, boy buys movie dvd, boy and movie grow old together.  no outside interference required. has pointed out that newt gingrich's head has evolved into ted kennedy's head.  i didn't notice until they pointed it out.

i have a t-shirt that was given to me before i got married.  it is a black t-shirt with a white silhouette of a couple getting married.  underneath reads "GAME OVER" in letters that have been ironed on.  unfortunately, the bottom horizontal stroke of the letter E in "GAME" has fallen off the fabric, so that it now reads "GAMF OVER".  i think i'll still keep the t-shirt just to confuse people.

i hate telemarketers with a passion.  they call on sundays and national holidays without any shame or hopes of getting laid that night.  i have never personally known a telemarketer.  if i did, i'd kick them in the reproductive organs just to make sure they didn't sire any genetically weak offspring in the future.  i encourage everyone to do the same.

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