
Thursday, January 12, 2012

today's rant: no news is good news, originally 10/8/10

Since the beginning of the year, I have been limiting the number of news sources on TV to which I pay attention.  To begin, I don’t watch ABC news anymore.  Since ABC pulled their own plug when Cablevision did not want to pay them for their standard network TV, I called their bluff and stopped watching, even when they went back on the air.  I don’t watch “Survivor”, “Grey’s Anatomy”, or the Oscars, so ABC can go fuck themselves.  No big loss to me.  Next, I’ve stopped watching CNN.  They get their news from Facebook and Twitter.  How reliable is that?  “The most trusted news source on TV” can suck it.  Aside from that, Wolf Blitzer just scares the fuck out of me.  I also refuse to watch Fox News.  It’s not a news channel.  It’s not.  …No, you’re not listening to me, it’s not.  IT’S NOT.  Just watch it at night.  No, fuck that.  Just look at the channel guide.  It’s opinion.  Opinion isn’t news.  Fuck, they should just change their tagline to “We imply, you agree, or you’re a terrorist.”  They’re just doing the same thing now that CNN and MSNBC did during the Bush administration.  I’ve seen this already.  It’s old.

With that said, what the hell am I supposed to watch?  I’ve narrowed my TV news sources to just three.  Firstly, News 12 Long Island. Yes, they show Facebook comments, but I care more about what Ida in West Hempstead has to say than Cletus in Biloxi, Mississippi.  At least they don’t give me New York City traffic and weather.  They give me actual Long Island traffic and weather.  Hellz yea, MoFo.  Next up, I’ve started watching more CNBC.  Money has no political agenda.  All I know is I want more of it.  Finally, late night Comedy Central.  Stewart and Colbert show the idiocies of both sides of the political aisle, and I think that’s the only sane way to make an objective decision about something.  Whether it’s Stewart’s bashing of Glen Beck or Colbert’s truthiness about the evil of bears (those giant, marauding, Godless killing machines), I get what I need to set my mind at ease.

This works for me.  I suggest finding what works for you.

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