
Monday, January 9, 2012

today's rant: 23rd district, originally 11/6/09

i'm gonna start out nice and mellow and work my way into more aggression as we progress.

before last week, i would not have given a bunch of counties upstate any thought at all besides my previous visits to oswego and driving through to get to montreal.  therefore, i dedicate this rant to the media for bringing it to my attention and subsequent pissed-off-ness.

personally, i'm a fan of the fighting 23rd.  oswego is a great town.  nice college campus, good food, and a great pub.  i'm going to venture a guess and say one of the most pressing social issues up there is the evil snow that comes from canada.  i'm also going to assume that there are already some district-sponsored initiatives to build a giant force bubble around the 23rd district to keep the snow, cold air, and canadian geese shit out of there.  think i'm crazy to assume this?  they had 11 feet of snow a few years ago.  that means that if i put my fiance on my shoulders in oswego that winter, we'd still be under the snow by a few inches.  fuck!  let me say i'm all for the giant force bubble.  tell me where to sign up.

so what was up for stake earlier this week was a seat in the US house of reps.  whoopdie do?  so the old representative was appointed sec of the army.  christ, bipartisanship at work?  a dem president chosing a rep secretary?  who would've thought?  so the choices for replacement were a rep lady named dede, a dem guy named bill, and a conservative guy named doug hoffman.

then the republican party fucked itself up again.  they decided to endorse conservative hoffman because dede was seen as too liberal.  let me just say this:  i like new york republicans.  in fact, ny likes ny republicans.  case and point, new york city, one of the most liberal cities anywhere, has had elected the republican mayoral candidates term after term.  why?  because they are just liberal enough not to piss everybody off.  they are not shitting their pants at the hot-button topics.

so who did the reps chose to endorse?  this guy (if you want to fast forward through beck's tirade, go to 4:30):

it took a while getting through glenn beck's tirade, and i apologize.  it staggers me that the moron beck goes off on republicans saying they will vote for dede only because she's in the republican party while he's backing hoffman because palin and santorum endorse him.  isn't beck going with hoffman just because republicans endorse him?  how is that different from reps voting for dede just because?  fucking idiot.

besides that, just look at doug hoffman.  i mean LOOK at him.  he looks like he is holding in explosive diarrhea throughout the entire interview.  aside from that, he has the personality of a comatose patient.  i gotta give the man credit for one thing though:  never in my life have i seen so much concern by a potential elected official for the issues and concerns of a people in a district that he does not even live in.  you read that right:  he does not live in the 23rd district.  look it up.  and he wanted to represent it.  *sigh*

after hoffman lost the election, i saw this posting by a friend on my facebook newsfeed:

"I never post partisan politcal stuff here, but I have to make a comment regarding the 23rd Congressional election. Folks, we just GAVE AWAY a seat no Democrat won since Franklin Pierce was President. That was 1852, in case you were wondering. The Big Tent ideas of George HW Bush - that was what made us a majority party in the 1980s and again in the late 90s - 00s. The tea party gang just made taking back Congress one seat harder. How is THAT a victory? Milton's character of Satan was wrong - it is NOT better to reign in Hell. You only have a say in what happens in Congress if you are the governing party. If we do not want this country to turn into a statist government , with a permanent statist liberal Democratic majority, they had best understand that concept or the modern GOP can get ready to follow the Whigs of the 1820s to 1850s, the Democrats of the 1860s- 1920s and the GOP from the 1930s to the 1960s - political oblivion. Come on folks - it really is about winning and governing. Any political movement that relied on any kind of 'purity' have ended up on the dust bin of history. The party of Lincoln, TR and Ronald Reagan is bigger and better than that."

i agree with his last sentence because it will take a lot of work to get the republican party back to that glory.  my question:  what makes you think doug hoffman can inspire that?  he couldn't inspire an infant to giggle if he tried.

friends, do you want to know why doug hoffman lost the fighting 23rd?  he was endorsed by rick santorum and sarah palin.  rick santorum, noted gay-basher, and sarah "i can see russia from my house" palin.  i wouldn't take an endorsement from sarah palin because sarah palin is retarded.  an endorsement from her is like a punch in the testicles.

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