
Thursday, January 12, 2012

today's rant: charlie and the looney bin, originally 3/2/11

i've had time to gather my thoughts and form an opinion...

ok, first, i gotta get something else off my chest.  taco bell, i don't care.  you're cheap.  stop with the commercials.  wait, what the fuck is that?  is that a white person in a taco bell uniform?!  what kind of bullshit are you trying to pull?

back to charlie sheen.  i've decided to judge charlie's behavior one of two ways, depending on what he wants out of life.  so, if he wants to be a good father, husband, actor, and role model, then... based on his behavior... he is a horrible person.  he doesn't even know where his children are, and he's still going on interviews.  no.  NO!  that's wrong!  on the other hand, if he doesn't want to be a good father, husband, actor (not a bad stretch), or role model, then let him behave however the fuck he wants.  that way, he'll party, overdose, and die by the end of the fiscal year and all this media coverage will be over and done with.

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