
Saturday, December 31, 2011

today's rant: the cold makes people stupid, part 2, originally 12/5/06

i said in my last rant that this one would be worse, so here we go.

"A Canadian man who could not figure out how to deal with his girlfriend's feverish 10-month-old daughter put the baby into a freezer to cool her down, a local newspaper reported on Friday."  kids, can you say dee dee dee?

"Derrick Hardy faces charges of criminal negligence and assaulting the infant, who was rescued when her mother came home, the Charlottetown Guardian said. The Canadian Broadcasting Corp. said the mother found the girl crammed into the freezer alongside ice cubes and hamburger meat. Hardy said he had left the door ajar but the mother said it had been closed when she returned."  honey, i'm gonna make lasagna tonight, is that o...HOLY SHIT!!!

"He told a court in the eastern province of Prince Edward Island on Thursday the child had only been in the freezer for about 40 seconds. Hardy, 21, who admitted to police that he had no real parenting skills to deal with a sick child, said he had noticed the girl was very hot and put a cool cloth on her face, but this had no effect.  He then carried the girl outside into the night air but, frustrated that this also did not work and worried she might drown if placed in a cold bath, he put the baby into the kitchen freezer. She was wearing only an undershirt."  i don't give a shit if you have no parenting skills.  skin + freezer = bad times for all, fucktard.

"A local doctor said the mother had described her baby as 'crying, sobbing and terrified.' The child spent several days in hospital to recover from first- and second-degree freezer burns on her head and torso. Hardy has pleaded not guilty to the charges. The baby's grandmother now has custody of the girl."  if this guy isn't more retarded than the guy who wanted to fine a woman for having a fucking wreath, there is something desperate wrong with the educational standards everywhere.

please, for the love of whatever deity you pray to, wear a hat this winter.  don't end up like this poor schmuck.

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