
Saturday, February 25, 2012

today's rant: seinfeld & santorum

i have never, ever found the show "seinfeld" funny.  i've never seen jerry seinfeld live, so i really don't know if i can gauge him based on the show.  the only thing i have to gauge his comedy is an old episode of "celebrity deathmatch".  after his costars turn on him, he says "what's the deal with internal bleeding?  if it's internal, is it really bleeding?"  lately, i've been unfortunate enough to watch some "seinfeld" reruns by chance.  not funny.  i don't see what all the big fuss was about in the 90s.  i don't think it's because i've become desensitized to sitcom-type comedy.  it's just that i'd rather watch turtles fuck than watch "seinfeld".

as a registered republican, i find it supremely disturbing that a man like rick santorum can get so close to the presidency of the united states of america.  here's a guy who doesn't have his priorities straight.  he said this in 2004 about gay marriage:

"I would argue that the future of America hangs in the balance, because the future of the family hangs in the balance. Isn’t that the ultimate homeland security, standing up and defending marriage?”

um... no.   i don't know about him, but i have never seen a skeevy video with a masked gay person holding an ak-47 ranting and raving with the rainbow flag in the background.    i've never seen a gay person shoot up a school, train, or military fort.  i know of zero drug cartels that are run by the velvet mafia.  when it comes to homeland security, i refer to common sense.

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