
Sunday, July 12, 2015

today's rant: flaggots

in my opinion, the resurgence of the confederate flag issue is pure bullshit.  taking down the confederate flag from the sc state house does not bring 9 people back from the dead.  this act was purely symbolic and emotional, serving no actual physical purpose.

my wife:  "they took it down for the wrong reason."
me:  "they put it UP for the wrong reason."

what i love best is that the skin heads come out to bitch and moan about their bullshit ideology and wave their shit around as if they were in a gay pride parade.  the irony is beautiful.  they are flaggots.

yesterday, i saw two pickup trucks driving around with a flagpole mounted in the bed that had the confederate flag mounted.  look, i am not against individuals displaying whatever flag they want on their private property.  however, at the very least, they need to be able to take all the ridicule that rightfully and justifiably comes hurling their way.  if you like the confederate flag and dislike what you are reading at this point, let me give you an example:  i am a mets fan.  you are a racist.  i can defend my statement to every one of my coworkers in my place of employment.  can you?  take the ridicule, you pussy.

has to be a rough month to be a skin head.  first, state bans on gay marriage are ruled unconstitutional, then the toilet paper that they call a flag is removed from a government building.  the only thing that would put the icing on the cake would be if the rest of the country converted to judaism.  l' chaim!

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