
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

today’s rant: wwe HD & 5 years of poop, originally 3/23/07

as of 2 months ago, wwe has started broadcasting their matches in high definition television.  the idea is that they think people rich enough to by a widescreen hd tv are wrestling fans.  viewers can also get a wider view of the entire wrestling ring.  it is one of the dumbest ideas i’ve ever seen.  essentially, now that shit is broadcasted wider left to right, the cameras have to zoom in closer to fill in those areas.  anyone watching on a regular tv can’t see the people in those areas.  what usually happens is you see some jacked up sweaty manbeast grabbing a leg and you don’t know who it belongs to.  maybe the big fuckers are in the corner of the ring.  in that case, you don’t see them at all because the corner of the ring is in those wide screen areas that you don’t have.  most of the time, hd sports broadcasting shows you shit you don’t need to see on a regular tv, like a referee taking a shit in a football team’s endzone.  this time around, you can’t see the crap you’re supposed to see.

i don’t really care that much about march madness.  i fill in the brackets anyway just in case there’s a prize.  i have a very simple process to deciding my pics.  i take my graphing calculator and use the random number generator.  i set the maximum to 2, and everytime i hit enter, a 1 or 2 comes out.  that’s how i decide.  usually, i’d give a by to the number 1 or 2 seeds in the tournament, but i was wrong about duke, wasn’t i?  no offense, gary, but i thought they’d do better.

on a side note, when the duke lacrosse scandal broke out, i sooooooo wanted to wear a duke hat to stony brook’s lacrosse games.  i didn’t because i didn’t want to get kicked out of the stadium, but lo and behold, someone else wore a duke hat.  sucks to me for pussying out.

how many phrases has the gov’t created in the past 5 years about the iraq war?  let’s see...
shock and awe
roadmap to democracy (my personal favorite)
stay the course
weapons of mass destruction
totalitarian regime (it must’ve taken georgy boy a while before he could correctly pronounce that one)
troop surge
sustainable democracy
homeland security
cut and run
exit strategy
pursuit of freedom
agent of evil

goddamnit, i feel like i’m reading a social studies textbook and these are all vocabulary words i have to define.

with year 6 of the iraq war starting, the bush administration is basically telling us "yeah, we were wrong about our reasons to go in, so we’re going to keep doing what we’re doing.  we can’t stop now, we’re too much in the hole.  if we stay long enough, eventually, it’ll pay off."  president bush and his military advisors are all a bunch of compulsive gamblers staying at this one slot machine called iraq.  they are $600 billion down and they just keep shoving quarters into the machine.  they are addicted.  they are sick.  they either need a good swift yakuza kick to the head or we need to unplug the slot machine.  personally, i say we do both.

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