jesus christ, i need to think of new shit to talk about besides work and the radio.
you know how many people i still talk to on my facebook friends's list? 4, maybe 5, not counting my cousins. essentially, the list has turned into a list of people that fit into one of these categories: my cousins, people i met in college, people from high school, and etcetra. the high school category is special because i don't search out people i remember from high school, but they "friend" me because they somehow remember me. i don't search out friends from high school because hey, why would i want to traumatize myself? i don't need to remember the stuff that happened back then. you think i plan on going to a high school reunoin? fuck no! what do i want to say to them? "hey, we graduated 10 years ago, why do you still work the produce section at pathmark?" that wasn't meant to be a joke. there are really 2 guys i graduated with who work the produce section at pathmark. i don't know what else to say to them. who needs the awkwardness of high school revisited?
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