
Thursday, January 12, 2012

today's rant: fox business news, originally 4/2/11

news corp, you've given me another reason, so i'm taking it.

on the ride home from work, i listen to 1010 wins AM radio for news. just one of the many signs that i'm getting old at the tender age of 27. at about 6:11pm every weeknight, there's an advertisement for fox business news. to be honest, when i first heard that fox had a channel about money, i thought, "why? there is already a channel about money, CNBC. yeah, i know, NBC, leftists, all that BS, but shouldn't money have no political affiliation? doesn't everyone want to be rich? what can fox contribute?"

well, i've been getting a good idea though these commercials. for example, if CNBC wanted me to watch their programming, an ad might say "AT&T plans on buying out T-Mobile. We'll let you know how this affects the telcom industry. Then, will see what other companies might benefit from this merger." on the other hand, a fox business ad to me sounds like "coming up at 7 tonight, we'll discuss how president obama plans on spreading peanut butter over your asshole and fucking you with a banana."

normally, this would piss me off. why does a "business news" channel complain about the democrats so much? in the end, i get a laugh out of it. they do this every day at 6:11 without fail. they don't advertise anything about stock quotes, earnings reports, or CEO interviews. it makes me feel smarter knowing i don't watch the channel.

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