i apparently have a ganglion cyst on my left wrist. i haven't been to the doctor, but that's what it looks like based on what i've read online. oh happy day. essential, the ganglion in my wrist is filled with joint fluid. it's not impeding on any nerves and i don't feel any pain because of it, so i don't think i need to see a doctor yet. my options are to just leave it alone, have it drained, have it removed, or pop it myself. well, i have a little bit of OCD and i like symmetry, so i've been trying to pop it by banging my wrist against things. one person online mention taking a bible and banging it against the wrist. now, i don't know if he meant take a generally heavy book or use a genuine bible because of its magical healing powers of busting open cysts. regardless, i don't have a bible in the house.
the asshole DJ on the radio is doing a contest where if i hera a certain nickelback song, i have to be the 9th caller. he said "the song today is a song from nickelback. it's called 'far away.' do you know that song? we play a lot of nickelback songs and they all sound familiar." there. independent, corroborated evidence that nickelback is overplayed and unoriginal. go fist yourself, chad kroger. btw, asshole DJ, teasing people by playing the wrong nickelback song is just masochistic.
i'm surprised that google was able to tell me i have a ganglion cyst when i typed "what is the bump on my left wrist?" i'm disappointed that google did not answer my question "what happened to new york's money?" nobody knows. holy shit! nobody knows what happened to new york state's money! and don't give be that "they gave it to the illegals" bullshit. that's just baseless partisan paranoia and i get enough of that from fox. i don't need to hear it form every other asshole that loves the taste of glen beck's semen. you don't have a real answer, so just shut the fuck up.
NY state's governor, david paterson, wants to close several state services in order to stop losing money, such as poison control centers, state parks, the lottery, unemployment offices, social services, and safety offices. shutting down all but one of these services would be retarded. i know poison control centers don't make money, but when your kid downs a bottle of dran-o, you'll be sorry. safety offices, state parks, and the lottery MAKE MONEY!!! for fuck sake, didn't the beaches just get a 25% fare hike? keep social services open. i don't want to be robbed in ten years by some dickheads because social services did not have the foresight to take them away from their coke-addicted mom.
here are my ideas to get the state budget balanced.
1. unemployment offices. if you must, shut 'em down. i don't care. giving poor people a financial reward to stay poor is a bad business plan.
2. cut the NYS senate base pay. currently, it's $80k/yr plus more if you are a state majority or minority leader. fuck that. lower it to $60k/yr. that way, those who seek political office for money and power would loose some incentive while those who actually give a crap about the legislative process can get in and still have a decent salary. not a "drive a maserati to work" salary, but enough to pay the bills and save for the kid's college.
3. allow yonkers casino to have table games. having only slots and horse racing is boring.
4. pay off sport officials to rig games in NY's favor. obviously, having the yankees in the series every year, the US open, and the belmont stakes is not enough to get our tourism revenue to where we want it. also, i don't think having the superbowl in 2014 is going to be enough. we need to make sure that every sports championship is held here. that means we need to start bribing as many people as possible to get the knicks, giants, and jets all the out-of-state spectators they can. fuck the buffalo bills. TO can suck it
5. sentence INS violators to hard labor. we've invested so much in homeland security and immigration regulation and we need a return on our investment. let's get 'em really working for us.
6. sell new york water. let's face it. NYC has the best bagels and pizza anywhere in the world. why? the water in the dough is the best. we should set up a bottling plant along the hudson river and sell that shit by the barrel. we can put it right next to the water treatment plant.
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