to those of you who wish to celebrate your relationships on this day, good for you. i shall not, for there is none to celebrate. however, it could be worse. at least i'm not stupid or psychotic enough to take out my solitude on a group of college students at Northern Illinois. maybe i'm wrong, it could've been the weather. it's been snowing a lot in that part of the country and i know how much cold weather can restrict blood flow to the testicles. i want to wait and see if this is anything like the ohio high school where the dumbass failed to kill anybody but himself. i found that hilarious.
why do these guys dress in all black? you don't really make a statement besides "my clothes absorb all wavelengths of visible light". if he really wanted to fuck with people, he should've worn pink, considering it's valentine's day. then people could have a discussion. "was he making a statement? was he in the closet? was he in the velvet mafia?" black is so final and dull. maybe he was another emo pussy. he should at least have worn a mood ring so that when he finally offed himself, the cops could see the color and be able to tell at least what he was feeling in his last moments.
stop shooting people. the only thing you accomplish is that more people will come to your grave and piss on your tombstone. do you really want your rotting corpse to be absorbing piss that trickles into the soil? if you're really pissed off and feel like taking it out on someone, act like that albino opus dei guy from "da vinci code" and beat the shit out of yourself instead.
on an unrelated note, reading through the most popular blogs, tila tequila had one entitled "WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU'RE SAD??" well, to answer your question, tila, when i'm sad, i turn off your TV show. then i feel all better.
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