to start off, i have some cold-like symptoms. i'm not ready to call it a full-on cold, but i have been taking nyquil. two days ago, it was a sore throat. yesterday, the sore throat went away and was replaced by congestion, which is still around today. at least i'm not curled up in the fetal position on my couch freezing and shaking like carrot top on amphetamines. the only good thing about being half-sick is that i can hit the low bass notes i've always wanted to. my range usually goes down to low E, and this morning it was down to low low C.
i think it was wendy's that first advertised that their cooking oil had no trans fat in it. they wanted to separate themselves from the other big fast food chains. not long after that, i noticed something on normal store-bought items. butter, milk, cream cheese, and even toilet paper all started to list their trans-fat content, and it's always 0. that's fine with me, but then they started to make their zero-trans-fat content highlighted on the front of the packaging. that means that we were buying these products the whole time with no risk to our health, but then they started to advertise to people in circular ads and on the fronts of packages that they were still no risk to our health. they were basically saying to us "buy our product, because it's just as shitty as ever! nothing has changed, you stupid assholes!"
i wouldn't be surprised if they make bottled water companies list the trans fat content, because they think we're that stupid. highlighting something that a product never had in the first place is like putting a sticker on a bag of sugar that says "no beetle excrement" or a bottle of pepsi that has on its label "hydrochloric acid-free" it's all a scare tactic to make you buy their shit. once we see past this current bullshit, you'll see those companies break into your houses and hold your children at gunpoint forcing you to drive to pathmark to purchase a bag of lays potato chips.
i might as well put this in now before i forget it. it's another gripe about MTV. yesterday, 7am, i was looking through the dish network schedule. before, i mentioned that MTV played 8 hours of music videos in a 48 hour period, minus commercials. i wondered if the tides had changed. they had, unfortunately. from 7am yesterday to 3am monday, MTV is playing a grand total of ZERO music videos. they are just playing 68 hours of america's next top model, true life, and real world/road rules challenges. it's bad enough that they repeat their own shows, but america's next top model? fucking viacom. if this isn't evidence that all MTV is concerned with is dictating what is trendy and in style, i'm moving to canada.
this begs the there anyone actually working inside the MTV building? logic suggests that any given time this weekend, there are a maximun of two people working in that building. one person is the guy who turns on the next tape of america's top model who has nothing better to do that run up a pizza bill, masturbate to oblivion, and shit his brains out in the bathroom during the shows. the other person is the janitor who cleans up the first guy's shit and cum inside the bathroom.
enjoy your weekend. GO GIANTS!
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