
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

today’s rant: poor rudy, originally 1/29/08

you know what?  unfortunately, this is what you get for spending the past two weeks at disneyworld instead of new hampshire and such.  giuliani, my rep. pick, is sinking fast.  he should take whatever money he has left in his campaign and buy scalped tickets to see his giants in the superbowl.  any new yorker would do the same thing.  so now, i want to see obama vs. mccain this fall.

besides watching giuliani getting flushed down the shitter on CNN, i'm watching american idol.  if you have clinical depression or are just down in the dumps, i implore you to watch the auditions of american idol.  there is nothing quite like watching the downfall of western society paraded on camera to make you feel better about yourself.  a side note about some of the freaks auditioning:  i don't like to refer to people as (replacement phrase:  a bundle of twigs), but........ *sigh*.  that's all i have to say.  if you've seen the auditions on the show, you know exactly what i'm talking about.

who among my readers (assuming i have any) is honestly going to watch the 4-hour pregame show on superbowl sunday?  it doesn't sound phsyically possible.  i'd think that after the first 10 minutes, your bowels would loosen and your couch would be ruined.  it seems the only reason to watch the pregame show would be as part of a drinking game.  for example, take a drink when they talk about the "keys to winning", two drinks when someone refers to the players' or teams' collective health, and take a shot whenever peyton manning is mentioned.

good night.  i pray john cena gets injured again.

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