
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

today’s rant: on camera, kosovo, originally 2/27/08

it has to be very hard for a presidential candidate to keep a straight face at all times since they're always on camera.  i can't do it.  when i hear something that completely baffles my mind, i tend to squint my eyes, open my mouth, turn my head right at about 45 degrees, then turn back and shout "what the fuck are you talking about?!"  don't talk to me about fiscal policy, or you'll get to see me in action doing this.  if i was a democratic congressman listening to bush ramble and babble away with his state of the union address, i'd be watching really closely as if i was thinking "did he just say what i thought he said?", look to the congressperson next to me, then give bushy a subtle middle finger.  probably just "oh, i have lint in my eye, let me pick it out with my middle finger, you asshole!"  i wouldn't give a shit if cameras were on me.  you know that when nancy pelosi was standing behind bush when he signed the tax refund bill, she was smiling on camera, but she was mashing her teeth from the nervousness of standing that close to pure evil.  given that chance, i'd probably shove a wooden stake through his heart just to see if he would turn to dust a la buffy the vampire slayer.

so serbia's gov't is pissed off at us for recognizing kosovo as an independent entity (i use the word "entity" because i'm not sure if they're a country, a state, a commonwealth, a ghetto, or whatever title they want).  they say that the violence going on is our fault.  yes, i can see that.  you're right, we burned our own embassy.  it's our fault, now suck my dick.  i'm 1/4 yugoslavian, but i forget which part.  however, i couldn't give a shit what part i am since they broke up because i don't really recognize it.  in all, i'm 1/2 italian, 1/4 yugoslavian, 1/8 irish, and 1/8 scottish, but i mainly recognize the italian and irish part.  i'm a guiney and a mick.  i'm a gimmick.  goddamn it guys, calm the fuck down.  i don't care.  i can't tell the differences.  chances are most countries can't either.  get a fucking life.

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