
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

today’s rant: we’re fucked, originally 3/7/08

i'm going to paraphrase lewis black to reflect the current news:  $42 million is the cost of the letter to let people know that their tax check is in the mail.......i wish the government would just cum in my mouth.

$42 million.  i guess everything else in the US is OK.  gas prices are just spectacular.  NYC is as safe as an alterboy's asshole.  louisiana is in great shape.  our borders are secure.  what the fuck.  spend that money however you want.  put it all on 31 black at a roulette table in vegas.

i've seen on TV that domestic environmental terrorists like to set houses on fire to protest.  that makes a lot of sense.  nothing like releasing tons of toxic chemicals in to the air and soil to tell people to save the environment.

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