
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

today’s rant: silly spitty, originally 3/15/08

i’ll give eliot spitzer this:  he has good taste.  then again, for $4300, i’d hope whatever you buy is top notch and comes with a lifetime warranty.

you know what spitzer’s wife was thinking when she found out along with the rest of us?  "oh god, he’s not gay!  what a relief!"  looking at the track record for politicains involved in sex scandals, i’d say that the odds of ex-gov spitzer getting caught with a male prostitute were way higher than a female.  let’s go down the list.  jim mcgreevy, who by the way, never should’ve quit because there was no real scandal, left jersey’s governor’s chair a few years back.  representative mark foley, the new spokesperson for aol instant messenger, liked to send dirty little IMs to an underage page boy.  what’s more, he had his republican friends tried to help cover it up.  my personal favorite, senator larry craig, blatantly violated the governing rules about acting straight in a public bathroom.  everyone knows every body part, including fingers, stays in your own stall.  if anything penetrates that barrier, silent alarms go off and you get arrested.  what’s ridiculous about him is that he changed his mind about resigning AND he’s being inducted into the Idaho Hall of Fame (the announcement was made after the scandal, you figure it out).

does it make him a bad husband?  yes.  does it make him a bad governor?  meh.  i’m going to man up and say yes, i voted for him.  then again, so did 70% of NY state.  the 2006 election wasn’t even close.  republicans got 3 counties.  3!  little did we know we got a baldy who was afraid to stick his johnson into a snatch that was already well known to him.  nope, eliot jr. had to explore different pastures.

you know what the state assembly should do?  when swearing in david paterson, when he is supposed to place his hand on the bible to be sworn it, they should replace it with something else.  i’m thinking the phone book, "dienetics", a harry potter book, or "life’s little instruction book".

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