
Thursday, January 5, 2012

today’s rant: rosary society, originally 5/7/08

well, my grandma was kicked out from her rosary society club thingy.  she was the recording secretary.  i assume an example of her tasks was to say "7:23, we talked about how much we love jesus.  7:29, we talked about how much jesus loves us."  honestly, i don't know what they did.  however, she was kicked out because she didn't take a newly mandated church class.  the class entails that anyone associated with working at her church know certain guidelines regarding being around children.  no doubt, this is in the wake of the catholic priest sex abuse scandals.

so they kicked her out because she didn't take this class.  her.  they kicked her out because they were afraid she was going to diddle some little kid.  my 80 year old grandmother, former teacher/principal/professor.  this is another example of how our fears have made us scared to the point that we are just plain stupid.  before, the church did nothing when kids were abused.  now, they have to do everything, and it's retarded. 

what's she gonna do?  cook kids lunch then scold them for not eating enough?!  she can barely walk up stairs.  she has a hearing aid.  i'd be worried if she had a kennel of inbred dogs living in her basement, but all she has is pictures of her grandchildren and enough christian literature to put a holy book store to shame.  i asked for her permission to fuck with the schmucks that fired her.  unfortunately, she declined.

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