
Saturday, December 31, 2011

today's rant: satellite radio & sports, originally 12/21/06

sports on the radio is nothing new, and i know that commercial free sports radio has its benefits.  however, i feel that the line should be drawn at satellite radio stations that cover sports that are not really sports.  2007 is already tarnished, because they are coming out with NASCAR satellite radio.  think about how fucked up this is.  you're driving in your car listening to a radio station about people driving in a car.  my mind hurts just thinking about it.  whose gonna listen to it?  chances are that the main target audience, rednecks, is too poor to get satellite radio in their trailer home or pickup truck.  good luck with that, assholes.

no, i don't think NASCAR is a sport.  here's why:  i define a sport as any physical competitive activity in which there is the chance, however remote, that someone can die.  can people die in NASCAR?  absolutely.  is it physically competitive?  abso-fucking-lutely NOT!!!  if it was, my nickname wouldn't be "lunchbox".  golf?  yes, someone can die.  getting a ball stuck in your skull isn't any fun.  bowling?  yes, it's physically competitive, and requires many, many 12oz. curls.  cheerleading?  yes, it can be competitive.  otherwise, there would be no need for ESPN2.  poker?  unfortunately, not.

feel free to argue me against NASCAR not being a sport.  i'm just letting you know right now, you're wrong.  if you think otherwise, kiss my dick.

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