i don't think i'd be any good at politics. i even stepped down as president of my a cappella group for fear of having responsibility. i miss being an officer of a group and having no responsibility at all. example: president of high school matheletes. all i did was show up, convert oxygen into carbon dioxide (i'm pretty sure that was on my application for college), and leave (along the way, i did some math problems, too).
even if i wanted the responsibilities, i wouldn't be any good at politics because i don't want to dumb myself down for people to understand me. let's face it: there are some people in this country that aren't too bright. they go by many names: ar-tards (or tards for short), dee dee dees, air heads just to name a few. they're the kind of people that are so oblivious to everything outside their immediate circle that they could be sodomized by a goat in the middle of the night and wake up thinking they had a wet dream. if i had to cater to that kind of mentality on a constant basis, you'd find me in a skeevy motel with my head in a toilet after i'd go missing for a few days.
most importantly, i wouldn't be any good at politics because i have the urge to say what's on my mind a lot. just two days ago, we were talking about aristotle in my "media and society" class and how he defined what a citizen was. i raised my hand and said "to him, a citizen was an adult male land-owner". the professor asked for more about aristotle, so said "well, he was a pederast too, but that's beside the point." i was lucky enough to get laughs from two other students. sometimes, i have to catch myself before saying anything like that in public, but goddamnit, i love bringing up irony and hypocrisy. if i was running for an office and said what i thought in public or on TV, people would think i'm nuts. "that's totally inappropriate!" "fuck you, it's true. aristotle, plato, socrates, and all their friends were neck-high in prepubescent ass. read symposium, see for yourself." and you know what? hardly anyone would and my political career would be over. that's why i'll leave politics to someone else.
congrats to slapdash graduate to moving to round three of "star tomorrow". that's it for now. i have class in 15 minutes and i have to take a piss. comments/questions/complaints are welcome and encouraged.
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