
Saturday, December 31, 2011

today's rant: aqua teen bomber force, originally 2/12/07

wow.  some people have proved just how retarded they can be.  how do you mistake a light-brite for a bomb?  "mommy, i made a clown!"  "aaaah!  duck & cover!"  so it had wires and circuits.  big fucking deal.  so does everything else that runs on electricity.  this is so retarded that even the cops who had to take the boxes down said "this is so retarded."  why should the town of boston suffer for the stupidity of a few people?  DA:  "many people thought they looked like bombs."  normal person:  "well then they're fucking idiots."  DA:  "i even thought they looked like bombs!!!"  normal person:  "well then you're a fucking idiot."  what startles me the most is that the authorities in boston say that the stunt will cost millions of dollars in taxpayer money.  wrong again, jackasses.  the stunt cost the price of the boxes, some batteries, a few magnets, and a long pole.  the aftermath initiated by the authorities will cost millions of dollars in taxpayer money.

it's the mooninites.  the fucking mooninites.  holy shit, i'm sooooo scared.  they're one fucking foot tall.  even if people don't know who or what they are, wouldn't the middle finger be a dead giveaway that it's not the work of a terrorist mastermind?  or do people actually believe there are psychopaths that take the time to put polygon-shaped aliens from the moon giving passerbys the middle finger on a black box?

probably the most insulting thing i heard from the boston authorities is the fact that people were scared of it because boston was the place where the 9/11 terrorists got on the planes.  to those people who said that on tv, radio, internet, this veeeeery carefully:  those two guys put up the exact same mooninite boxes in manhattan, and we didn't give a shit.  terrorists may have boarded the planes in boston, but they crashed HERE, you stupid mother fuckers.  terrorists hit new york, and we know better than to go apeshit over some lights in the shape of cartoon characters.  terrorists only leave boston, and you shit your pants when you see the boxes.  re-evaluate who has the right to be scared and compare that to how manhattan and boston respectively reacted.  what does that say about you, you mother fucking pussies?  grow a set of balls and answer that.

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