
Saturday, December 31, 2011

today's rant: my car, originally 10/2/06

for the past two years, the "check engine" light has been on in my car.  as a result, i've put in at least $1500 in repairs into it.  all for naught.  why don't i just take the fucking light bulb out?  i've taken my car to two different mechanics.  my first mechanic said it was a minor gas leak.  he replaced the gas cap, didn't work.  he replaced the cylinder-head gasket, didn't work.  i don't even think that has anything to do with the leak.  so he told me that he could look for the leak while the car was running, but it might take a few hours.  at $90 an hour, i asked him if he could blow me too so that it would be sort of worth the money.

i took it my car to a second mechanic who said the same exact thing:  it was a minor gas leak.  he suggested replacing the gas tank.  what the fuck exactly is supposed to happen to the gas in the tank?  just throw it out?  at 3 hours labor plus the cost of a new gas tank plus the cost of new gas, fuck it.  if my car has been running without incident for 2 years with the "check engine" light on, i don't need to do jack shit.  all i need to do is clear the car's computer to shut the light off and run it for about 50 miles before getting an inspection before the light comes back on.

unfortunately, i have to go to a funeral tommorow.  my great aunt died last friday.  the odd thing is that we found out she had cancer on wednesday.  two days later, she stopped breathing.  just not in the mood to put together a more thought-out rant.  i'll try to have a better one later this week.

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