
Saturday, December 31, 2011

today's rant: creationism museum, originally 1/15/07

a museum is opening in kentucky that gives a "biblically correct" version of history.  i'm sorry, but that has "oxymoron" written all over it.  here's my opinion on religious stories.  they are meant to try to explain what people couldn't understand thousands of years ago.  this goes way beyond christianity.  i'm not saying religious stories are meaningless.  i only go to church on the big 2 holidays, x-mas & easter.  however, christianity works for me because of the ideals that can be interpreted, not because of the "facts" that must be taken word-for-word.  "love thy neighbor" and all that tolerance stuff is my cup of tea.  does that mean that there should be a museum about it?  no.  if you're going to make a museum about a book, at least make it interesting.  why not harry potter?  that would be fucking entertaining.  yes, i just compared the bible to harry potter.

don't piss off jack bauer

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