
Thursday, July 29, 2021

today's rant: the unvaccinated

If you are unvaccinated because of a medical condition that prohibits you from safely taking the shot, then OK.  You are fine.  If you are unvaccinated because you chose not to get one, then fuck you, shitbag!  Any time past May, 2021 to get your first shot is inexcusable.  States are creating incentives to get vaccinated.  They are giving away lottery tickets.  LOTTERY TICKETS!  I know for a fact that is what most of you stupid people spent your Biden stimulus on.  I didn't require an incentive.  It was March, I scheduled it, and I got it because I am a decent fucking human being.

You cocksuckers are the reason why people are still dying.  That is a statistical fact.  I shouldn't ironically read 5 news stories a week about people who refused to get a COVID-19 vaccine ending up on a ventilator for 6 weeks before dying.  Despite your retarded conspiracies, I almost wish this was biological warfare, because then it would weed out the stupid people who don't get immunity.  The only problem with that would be also the immunosuppressed, people who would be allergic to the shot, and others in the same boat would die from no fault of their own.  That's the whole fucking scientific reason for vaccines.  To stop the spread.  That's why I got it.  So fuck you.  I'm a better person than you.

If your reason for not getting the shot is purely political, god damn, you are fucking stupid.  Drumpf did "Operation Warp Speed" to get the stuff manufactured.  Just keep sucking his cock like you've been doing these past six months since he left office and just take the fucking shot.  Even Mr. turkey-turle Mitch McConnell says to get it.

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