
Friday, July 30, 2021

today's rant: correlation

There is a correlation between white conservative Americans and:

1. racism

2. vaccination hesitancy, which leads to...

3. increased COVID infection and death rates as of July, 2021

4. idiocy

There is no fucking way that they are mutually exclusive.  I'm not saying liberals are exclusive to some of these.  I'm just saying that white American conservatism is DEFINITELY tied to all 4 listed above simutaneously.

These are the thoughts I have when I'm in a good mood and I do not want to burden my Facebook friends with them.  Hence, I put them here.

Olympic gymnast Simone Biles doesn't deserve any criticism from a schmuck like me.  More broadly, nobody deserves any criticism from schmucks who no absolutely nothing of what they do.  Take professional wrestling, for instance.  I like watching professional wrestling.  These people can do things I definitely cannot do.  I have not trained my body to be in the condition to be that athletic night in and night out.  I'm sure that shit takes years to perfect.  Now let's take this even more broadly, beyond physical ability.  Here's another example:  car mechanics.  Car mechanics know stuff I do not know.  That's why I pay them for their expertise.  Who the fuck am I to nitpick?  I am no more as knowledgeable about automotive maintenance than I am about mastering the momentum of my body to maximum agility.  Therefore, you are a lot better at your skill set than I am.  End of story.  Although, Ronda Rousey summed it up a lot better than me when she wrote that a person who judges others similarly doesn't know their foot from their asshole.  Magnifico!

Representative Jim Jordan loves to wear yellow ties and go public without a suit jacket.  I think that's OK.  At most, I would be willing to present his jacket to him with outstretched arms before wrapping it around his neck and chocking him for all of the stupid words and ideas that come out his mouth.

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