
Saturday, October 27, 2018

today's rant: pride parade

My new car comes with a 3-month free trial for satellite radio.  I might have preferred a 3-month free trial of gasoline.  I think I like it enough to keep it.  I primarily play the 90s channel.  However, I have to change it when Hanson inevitably comes on.  Mmm… nope.  Not for me.  I’ve marked two channels as favorites:  the Vivid adult entertainment channel and the George Carlin channel.  I’ve openly admitted to my wife that I listen to the Vivid channel when I don’t have the kids in the car.  I don’t see anything wrong with that, and she hasn’t said anything bad about it.  It is not like I am going to fuck the radio while I am driving.  In addition, I have given her my login credentials to stream on her phone so she can listen to Billy Joel music all day long.  Everybody wins.

I really need to find out what there is to vote for next month.  I just had a sample ballot emailed to me.  Let’s see what it says…

Is it weird that my voting precinct location is at a school that’s not in my kids’ school district?  Ok, major one, governor.  Seeing that McMaster is Trump’s puppet (Trumpet?), I’m not voting for him.  That was easy enough.  There’s a spot for a write-in.  Maybe I’ll put down Santa Claus.  Next is Secretary of State.  I’m assuming it’s the one in this state and not the Secretary of State that’s part of the federal Executive Branch.  How do you discern the two offices?  Federal Secretary of State and State Secretary of State?

The National Hurricane Center categorizes the projected sustained wind speed of a hurricane using 4 letters: in order of severity, D, S, H, and M, with M being the strongest.  The letters stand for:
D:  Damn, it’s windy
S:  Son of a bitch!

Four months ago, my family went into Columbia to a festival called Outfest, an event produced by SC Pride.  We wanted to spend more time there than we did, but we cut it short because it was too damn sunny and hot.  We borrowed sunscreen from a group of people at a tent who were part of a Baptist Fellowship who are LGBT-friendly.  As a heterosexual male, I see a few different variants of the acronym, ranging all the way to LGBTQ+.  As a Pokémon Go player, just to keep it simpler for me, I was thinking of mentally calling members of that community “shinies” (cool variants of Pokémon with a different color pallet), but I’m not going to say that out loud.  Anyhow, 2 weeks after Outfest, we sat through a service at that Fellowship, and have kept going almost every week.  As the jaded fuck that I am regarding organized religion and its hypocrisies, I can provide first-hand observations that just because some people are not heterosexual does not mean they don’t have faith.  So suck it, you Leviticus-thumping asswipes.  On the plus side, I was called an ally for the first time.  To me, “ally” seems like one of those titles that only someone from a specific sub-culture can give out.  If I gave it to myself, that seems pretentious.  This ranks up there with a lesbian former coworker asking me to be a sperm donor for her girlfriend.

As of this paragraph, it is a Monday morning and my thigh muscles above my knees are burning.  I’ve spent the past 6 days continuously on my feet.  I’ve been walking and standing on a manufacturing production line taking notes and pictures, marching in support of a pride parade, and yesterday I played paintball.  I’m out of shape, so my legs are suffering because of it, feeling the burning sensation of muscles that haven’t been used like this in a pretty long time.  So my choices at this point are to continue using my legs in order for them to get used to the activity in the long term or consider getting my legs cut off at the knee like in the movie “Tusk” so I never have to feel this kind of muscle burning again.  I’ll let you folks know what I decide.

I dislike Trump’s presidency as much as I disliked W’s presidency.  With the midterm elections coming up in a few weeks, I think the best thing I can hope for is a stalemate in government for the next 2 years, where democrats are the majority in Congress.  That way, no more laws are passed.  Congress agrees on a bill, Trump vetoes it, and they get paid hundreds of thousands by the taxpayers and millions by their corporate masters to sit on their hands all day and play “the stranger”.  To me, that is the best-case scenario.

In the immediate aftermath of some guy in Florida sending the most undesirable kind of fan mail to Trump critics, all I know for sure is this:  the guy’s a Trump-thumping wacko.  That is to say he is a wacko who also just happens to be a Trump-thumper.  Not all Trump-felatio enthusiasts are wackos.  This guy is.  Once again, the mainstream discourse coming out of the event is pure bullshit.  Democrats and Republicans are going back and forth debating whether Trump’s asshole-ish rhetoric is to blame.  Really?  That’s what we need to talk about?  The guy was only just caught.  Sit back, let the authorities kick the guy in the nuts for a few hours, and wait and see what information comes out.  Maybe there was another reason he sent that “fan mail” to those specific people, and it didn’t have anything to do with politics.  Maybe they’re the most prominent subscribers of Hustler magazine and that’s the reason.   Spoiler alert:  it’s not.  The guy is an angry nutbar of a Trump-thumper.  That’s it.  I bet he’s white, too.  This is coming from absolutely no data; just a guess based on stereotypes.

2 hours later:  I TOLD YOU!  Old, pasty white guy who wants nothing more than to taste Dumbo Trump’s nut nectar.  Is Trump an enabler?  I think so, but I believe in personal responsibility more.  It’s this guy’s fault for being stupid enough to be influenced by an angry orange troll.  If you have to validate yourself by blindly aligning with the loudest voices and not logically form an intelligent opinion yourself, you deserve all the repercussions.

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