
Monday, October 26, 2015

Today's rant: where's the outrage?

Where's the outrage?  I'll tell you where. It's with the person yelling "where's the outrage". It's as fucking simple as that. I'm sick of reading that drivel of the English language in facebook posts and newspapers. That phrase ranks with up high as one of the stupidest things anyone can say, in between "are you busy" and "what time is it". Every time a tragedy gets down to the issue of skin color, whether there is a shooting of a cop who isn't white, or the cops shoot a teenager who isn't black, that fucking phrase pops up.

No one gives a fuck. That's where the outrage is. You don't like it, then YOU be the outrage, you lazy cunt. Stop your bitching and do something about it. Go hog wild. Stab a bunch of people in the neck on a loaded train during rush hour. Then get mauled by an array of police bullets. If you're lucky, maybe somebody will be outraged and pick up where you left off. It's the circle of life. Now really, does outrage sound like the best idea to you?